Hack Tanzu Supply Chain Tasks to Allow Private Registry¶
All tasks must be copied to the supply chain names space ahead of time for this procedure to work. This procedure will not work against any of the system namespaces, as the Carvel package will overwrite and changes made to the tasks.
Export the supply chain namespace name:
Run the following to string substitute in the skip TLS flags. It will get all tasks inside the supply chain namespace, mutate the commands to skip TLS and apply the result back into the supply chain namespace.
kubectl get tasks -n "${NS_CHAIN:?}" -o yaml | \
sed 's/push -i/push --registry-verify-certs=false -i/' | \
sed 's/imgpkg_params -b/imgpkg_params --registry-verify-certs=false -b/' | \
sed 's/pull -i/pull --registry-verify-certs=false -i/' | \
sed 's/krane config "/krane config --insecure "/' | \
kubectl apply -n "${NS_CHAIN:?}" -f -