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Monitoring GemFire with Healthwatch 2

To monitor the state of Gemfire replication it is recommended to monitor the Sender Event Size and trigger an alarm if it goes signifficantly over the historical peak.

To achieve this:

  • Add a dashboard that allows monitoring historical event queue size
  • Setup an alert trigger it it goes signifficantly above the historical queue size

Viewing the event queue

Add this dashboard to the Healthwatch Grafana instance.

Look at the "Event Queue Size" for the past 7 days and note down how high it goes under steady state. Using discression add an amount on top to define the alerting threshold, e.g. +100%.

Setting alert triggers

From the hamburger pull out menu expand "Alerting" and click "Alerting rules". Click the "New alert rule" button.

In the dialog fill in section 2:

  • Make sure the query it set to "Code" mode
  • Paste {__name__=~"gatewaySender.*_EventQueueSize"} into the query field
  • Delete the "Reduce" expression if present
  • Update the "Threshold" expression to have A as the "Input"
  • The the "Is above" value in teh "Threshold" expression to the value derived from the historical queue size



Click the "Preview" button to confirm that the query matches metrics and that all the metrics show as normal.



Continue to fill in the remaining alert settings.

(optional) Add a lower theshold to know whether to adjust the red alert threshold

Repeat the process above using a lower threshold to trigger a yellow alert, to use as an indicator that the red alert threshold needs to be adjusted.