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How to access the Tanzu with vSphere Products

SSH to the Supervisor Cluster nodes

SSH to the vCenter as root and run to get supervisor creds /usr/lib/vmware-wcp/

So long as firewall rules allow, the credentials can be saved and the connection made to the supervisor without access to the vCenter.

SSH to the Guest Cluster nodes

Commands should be run on the supervisor cluster.

SSH commands can be run from anywhere with access to the VMs.

Using private keys

kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <cluster name>-ssh -o jsonpath={.data."ssh-privatekey"}  | base64 -d | tee -a privatekey.key
chmod 600 /tmp/privatekey.key
ssh -i /tmp/privatekey.key vmware-system-user@<guest_IP>
The private key can be exported and if not should be deleted when finished.

Using the password

kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <cluster name>-ssh-password -o jsonpath={.data."ssh-passwordkey"} | base64 -d
ssh vmware-system-user@<guest_IP>

Running commands without kubectl, for debugging

crictl mostly mirrors docker

sudo -i
crictl ps # show running containers
crictl logs <container ID> # show container logs
crtictl exec pod <container ID> /bin/sh # exec into a container

Getting kubectl inside a workload cluster control plane node

sudo -i
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf

Legacy TKGS Harbor Admin UI Access

kubectl commands must be run from inside a supervisor cluster VM.

HARBOR_NAMESPACE=$(kubectl get ns | grep registry- | awk '{print $1}')
HARBOR_POD_ID=$(echo $HARBOR_NAMESPACE | sed 's/.*-//')
kubectl get secret -n $HARBOR_NAMESPACE harbor-$HARBOR_POD_ID-controller-registry -o=jsonpath='{.data.harborAdminUsername}' |base64 -d |base64 -d
kubectl get secret -n $HARBOR_NAMESPACE harbor-$HARBOR_POD_ID-controller-registry -o=jsonpath='{.data.harborAdminPassword}' |base64 -d |base64 -d